AS-Motor provides solutions for equestrian businesses

AS-Motor offers efficient and time-saving technology for paddock care and yard maintenance.

Riding facilities and equestrian businesses encompass a wide range of green spaces. AS-Motor delivers solutions for lawns, fenced horse paddocks and areas surrounding the paddocks.

Application examples


Horse pastures and paddock fence systems require regular care and maintenance. AS-Motor Allmähers are ideal for mowing around fence posts and under fences. In addition, AS-Motor’s mulching mowers deliver a perfect mulching result on pastures. The mulched cuttings can remain on the surface and act as a natural fertiliser.

Equestrian yards

Professional equestrian facilities require perfectly maintained yards. AS-Motor’s mulching mowers and professional lawn mowers are efficient and economical solutions for maintaining these areas. AS-Motor’s ride-on mowers perform in high grass, whether on ornamental lawns on large yard areas.

Maintaining horse pastures is a pleasure with the AS 800 FreeRider, even close to fences! You can work very well on slopes thanks to its low centre of gravity.

– Peter Eisenmann (Owner of Horse Gear Innovations KG)


Ornamental lawns

Ornamental lawns in both private gardens and public facilities can be maintained with either mulching or collecting mowers. When mulching, the finely-shredded cuttings remain on the surface as natural fertiliser, while collection bags help the operator transport cuttings to a disposal point. Lawns are usually mowed once per week to a cutting height of 40–50 mm, from a maximum height of 15 cm.

Flower meadows

A natural environment for bees, flower meadows make an important contribution to biodiversity and preserving our ecosystem. Flower meadows can quickly grow 40 cm high before blossoming and should be mowed 3–4 times per year. Our professional lawn mowers, mulching mowers with side discharge as well as Allmähers and ride-on mowers help care for flower meadows.

High meadow grass

Because mowing of meadow orchards and roadside greenery can occur only once or twice per year, grass, perennials and shrubbery can grow up to 100 cm high. AS-Motor’s walk-behind Allmähers and ride-on Sherpas deliver high performance and outstanding mulching results in these conditions.


Mulching is a process by which grass cuttings are shredded several times into a fine mulch, which then remains on the surface as natural fertiliser. Special mulching blades with a double cutting plane and a circular mulching unit are used on ornamental lawns, while cross-blade systems or flail mowers are primarily used in high grass.

Uneven terrain

Animal burrows, anthills, mole hills and water channels cause uneven terrain. Several AS-Motor machines have high ground clearance, all-wheel drive and limited slip differential, along with appropriately studded field tyres, for uneven terrain.


AS-Motor engineers machines with high ground clearance, steep ramp angles, low overall weight, optimal weight distribution and a low centre of gravity to perform on slopes.

Interlocking paving stones

The AS 50’s high work rate delivers efficient weed removal on large and uneven surfaces such as a car parks, commercial areas and paths. A collection bag eliminates the need for sweeping and surface cleaning.


AS 510 ProClip 4T A

Mulching mower for professional users

51 cm
4,2/5,7 kW (hp)
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AS 63 4T B&S

Modern Allmäher with high-performance engine for tall

61 cm
4,1/5,5 kW (hp)
to the product »
AS 701 SM

Flail mulcher for slopes and difficult terrain

70 cm
9,7/13,0 kW (hp)
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AS 800 FreeRider

Ride-on mower with limited slip differential for more traction

80 cm
9,7/13,0 kW (hp)
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AS 920 Sherpa 2WD B&S

Fast and agile ride-on mower with limited slip differential for moderate inclines

90 cm
20,1/27,0 kW (hp)
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AS 30 WeedHex 140

Mechanical weed removal for private users

35 cm
2,4/3,3 kW (hp)
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AS 62 4T B&S

Powerful and agile – AS 62 4T B&S

61 cm
4,1/5,5 kW (hp)
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AS 1020 YAK 2WD

Strong, robust, for large areas

100 cm
17,2/23,0 kW (hp)
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AS 1040 YAK 4WD XL

Strong, robust, at home in difficult off-road terrain

100 cm
17,2/23,0 kW (hp)
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AS 600 MultiPro

Implement carrier AS 600 MultiPro – helpful equipment carrier for different purposes

6,3/8,6 kW (hp)
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