AS-Motor provides customized mowing solutions

AS-Motor machines are engineered to meet a host of unique mowing challenges, from thick growth on slopes to weed removal on paved surfaces.

Professional users such as landscapers, road workers and municipal maintenance operators trust the precision and technology of our machines, which offer solutions for private users as well.

Gardening and landscaping

AS-Motor’s professional technology offers solutions for the diverse tasks of gardening and landscaping, from outdoor facilities to private gardens, public parks and residential lawns.

Municipal maintenance

Caring for green areas in the civic environment involves a variety of tasks. From parks to roadside management, AS-Motor provides the correct tools to ensure both professional results and operator safety.

Road maintenance

Maintaining roadways often involves mowing high grass and slopes, two specialties of AS-Motor’s professional technology.

Commercial landscaping

Performance on rough terrain, perfect cutting results and high efficiency are advantages AS-Motor machines provide to professional service providers.

Private customers

When the goal is perfecting an ornamental lawn, obtaining forage for small animals or tending to the gardens and orchards of weekend homes, AS-Motor offers several professional mowing tools that will provide private users with excellent results for many years to come.

Meadow orchards

Meadow orchards characterize the landscape of diverse regions and provide valuable ecosystems for insect and bird life. Maintaining these areas often involves mowing around trees, on slopes and in rough terrain.


AS-Motor offers professional technology for the maintenance of green spaces in and around public utility facilities.

Solar parks

Efficiency is crucial to maintaining a profitable solar park. AS-Motor offers the ideal tools to properly maintain the green areas around and under solar panels.

Hunting and forestry

In forests and on hunting grounds, mowing can take place as infrequently as once per year or even at intervals of several years. AS-Motor machines are engineered to tackle the thick growth native to these areas as well as Christmas tree plantations.

Equestrian businesses

Equestrian areas require various forms of green care. Whether maintaining paddocks or lawns, AS-Motor offers tools to create the ideal equestrian environment.


Viticulture, or wine-growing, is one of civilization's oldest forms of agriculture. AS-Motor was founded 60 years ago with the objective of tackling the slopes and thick growth of vineyards.

Athletic facilities and golf courses

Management of edge areas, embankments and lawns of athletic facilities are as important as the greens themselves.

Leisure facilities

Leisure facilities must be visually appealing and expertly maintained. Whether parks or campsites, these areas are frequently used and thus require careful maintenance.