Insect scare device
Effective insect scare device to protect insects when mowing grass and hay
Different mowing techniques are adapted to their field of application. Each mowing technique has its justification in terms of work safety, economic efficiency and ecological compatibility. Insect scares and insect deterrents can be used to make existing mowing techniques even more sustainable and insect-friendly.
The idea of scaring away deer is mainly known from agriculture. It originated in the course of mechanised grassland mowing, which increased the number of injured deer. By scaring away the animals before mowing, they can be saved from being killed or harmed by the mower. This is why the technique of scaring away deer is also used with equipment for extensive grass land care, such as flail or rotary mowers. Robust and off-road capable – a scaring device should not hinder the work of mowing equipment in dense vegetation and on steep slopes and still allow a noticeable improvement in insect protection.
Save and protect insects when mowing grass
In cooperation with the Institute of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Hohenheim, various trials were carried out which, among other things, confirmed the benefits of the insect scare device. The trials were carried out with an AS 63 rotary brush-mower as the carrier vehicle. In order to ensure that the results are robust, comparative runs were carried out with and without the insect scare device in several repetitions. The number of insects flushed out was determined by means of a catch basket attached to the device. The result clearly shows the benefit of the device. During the trials, about three times as many insects were flushed out with the insect scare device (compared to the trials without the scaring device) and thus moved out of the danger zone of the mower. Further trials with dummy insects suggest that the survival rate of insects can be further increased by using single bladed mowers in combination with an increased cutting height. Simple in design but effective in protecting insects.
Ecologically oriented green space maintenance - reasonable mowing
We have compiled some valuable information on ecologically oriented green space maintenance on a microsite to provide you with a sound basis of information on this topic. Here you can find out about the background, central principles, tips on maintenance frequency, maintenance periods etc. and something about which mowing techniques and aids are available to you. The principle should be: “Reasonable mowing”. As few mowings as possible, but as many as at least necessary.
Product advantages
- Proven benefits of the insect-scare device (the tests at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Hohenheim showed that three times as many insects were flushed out than in comparison without the insect scare device)
- Robust, flexible probe material
- Folding of the device when bumping into obstacles
- Height and length of the insect repellent device can be adjusted variably and without tools
Municipal maintenance
Caring for green areas in the civic environment involves a variety of tasks. From parks to roadside management, AS-Motor provides the correct tools to ensure both professional results and operator safety.
Gardening and landscaping
AS-Motor’s professional technology offers solutions for the diverse tasks of gardening and landscaping, from outdoor facilities to private gardens, public parks and residential lawns.
Meadow orchards
Meadow orchards characterize the landscape of diverse regions and provide valuable ecosystems for insect and bird life. Maintaining these areas often involves mowing around trees, on slopes and in rough terrain.
Commercial landscaping
Performance on rough terrain, perfect cutting results and high efficiency are advantages AS-Motor machines provide to professional service providers.
Road maintenance
Maintaining roadways often involves mowing high grass and slopes, two specialties of AS-Motor’s professional technology.
AS-Motor offers professional technology for the maintenance of green spaces in and around public utility facilities.